Company history


Szó-Kép Printing Ltd. (in Hungarian: Szó-Kép Nyomdaipari Kft., szó means word(s), text and kép means picture) was established
In the beginning, we did business in a leased space with a staff of 8 and a modest machine pool, however, suited for demanding work. Answering the need caused by the continuously widening customer base, and respectively the growing number of orders, newer and newer investments were made within the framework of which not only printing presses but also various bindery / finishing equipment was bought.

Szó-kép Nyomdaipari Kft.


The autumn of 1999 was a turning point in the life of the company: in the industrial green belt of the 15th city district of Budapest the new, custom-designed building of our printing house - including offices, sanitary facilities and work halls — was inaugurated, providing a civilised environment for both the staff doing their work and for meeting our customers. At the same time, further investment was made into finishing equipment: a new gathering-stitching-trimming line and a three-knife-cutter were commissioned. kötészeti berendezések területén: új irkafűző- és trimmelőgépsorragasztókötőgép és háromkéses vágógép került üzembe helyezésre.


The springtime of 2000 is again the season of investments: a new four colour, remote controlled offset printing press and a folding machine are added to the machine pool. In the same year the certificate according to the DIN EN ISO 9002:1994 standard is acquired too.


It was in the autumn of 2001 that the real breakthrough happened: following the purchase of a two-colour offset press, a Heidelberg Speedmaster 74-5 five colour press of sheet size B2 arrived at our premises, and this machine, being at the cutting edge of the printing presses of the world, fundamentally changed the production capacity of our printing house - both concerning the quality and quantity.


In 2002, another B3 size folding machine was put into operation, which, having a gluing unit makes it possible to do inline folding and gluing, in addition to traditional folding operations - down to quite small sizes.


Growing demand prodded us to do further investments. Accordingly, in February of 2004 a new Heidelberg Speedmaster 74-4P3-H printing press was commissioned, suited for printing 4 over 0 respectively 2 over 2 colours. For satisfying the growing demand for one and two colour jobs, in the autumn of this year - with GVOP-2.1.1-2004 applied-for-support - a new Heidelberg Printmaster PM 74-2-P press, suitable for printing 2 over 0 respectively 1 over 1 colour was also put into operation. In the autumn of the same year, a high capacity Heidelberg ST 100.2 gathering-stitching-trimming line was installed.


In the spring of 2005 great progress was made in prepress too. A new Heidelberg Prosetter 74 SCL automatic CtP platemaking system was commissioned, together with the necessary software. (The purchase of the machine was made with -2005-2.1.1 applied-for-support.) In the autumn, a new Stahlfolder KH56 folding machine was put into operation.


2006 is again a year of serious investments. The most important was the erection of the new production hall (700 sqm ground surface, sanitary facilities, a parking lot of several hundred of square meters, a new entrance gate, and greening). As machine investment Horizon AF-544 and AFC-544 AKT folding machines and another Heidelberg Printmaster PM 74-2-P (2 over 0 resp. 1 over 1 colour) printing press were purchased and commissioned. Our MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2001 quality standard certificate was successfully renewed, as well as, the MSZ EN ISO 14001:2005 environment management standard introduced.


In February 2007, a unique investment was made. In Central Europe, our printing house was the first one, where a Heidelberg Speedmaster CD 74-5-C printing press, capable of printing at 18,000 sheets per hour, was put into operation. The ST 100.2 gathering-stitching trimming line was switched to a new, modern and more efficient Heidelberg Stitchmaster ST 350 gathering-stitching-trimming line in October. In addition, the second Heidelberg Prosetter 74 SCL automatic CtP system was put into operation.


In February 2008, a new Horizon BQ-470 perfect binding machine was put into operation. (It is capable of using both hotmelt and PUR glue). In July another Stahfolder KH56 folding machine, in September a Horizon MG 60 collator were put in place to expand our finishing capacities.


In February 2009, SM 74 four colour offset press was switched to a new Heidelberg SM 74-5-P3 five colour and respectively 3 over 2 colours offset press. The machine was put in operation with a spectrophotometric colour and quality measurement called AxisControl. Also, a CD printing press was installed with AxisControl. Therefore, both colour presses assure synchronised quality insurance.


In April 2010, major investments were made in bindery. The off-line BQ-470 perfect binding machine and Ecotrimmer three-knife trimmer have been responsible for our glue-binded products, but then the new Horizon CAB-system 4000 in-line binding machine came in place (Components of it: MG-60 gathering machine, SB-9 binding machine, HT-101 three-knife trimmer, PP-100 stacking and milling equipment and conveyors). Asset acquisition was carried out with tender support: KMOP - 1.2.1-09/A-2009-0013.

In May, the new Stahlfolder TH56 folding machine - 6+4 bag+knife - was put in place. The prepress was also modernised, and one of our Prosetter machine was switched to the new and better Heidelberg Suprasetter A75 thermal CtP. The acquisition of the 2 assets was carried out with the support of KMOP-1.2.1-09/A-2010-00130 Sponsorship.

In June, according to the FSC_STD_40_004_V2_0_HU control chain standard the Control Union successfully certified the company's FSC-COC system. (Registration number: CU-COC-815225)


We continued the modernisation of our machinery in 2012 printing machine was replaced by Heidelberg Speedmaster XL-75-5-C printing that was introduced in the 2012 Drupa convention. Also, our Polar 92E straight-cutting machine was upgraded to a new Polar cutting-machine with a pallet lifter fitted.

To increase our folding capacity and variety a new Horizon AF-406A folding machine was put into operation. In autumn, a new humidifier system was installed in our plant to aid the better and continuous quality assurance during pressing.

Az ősz folyamán géptermünket párásító berendezéssel szereltük fel – ezzel is elősegítve a jobb és állandó minőség biztosítását a nyomtatás folyamán.


In the beginning of 2015 due to the growing demand of PUR binding we have invested in a new Horizon BQ-280 PUR binding machine. Moreover to aid our bindery processes we put a DigiTab 2010 sheetcount-marker machine into operation during March. Furthermore we have switched our Prosetter CtP machine to a thermal Suprasetter. This means that both of our CtP machines are the same type and that this new version of Suprasetter is capable of producing plates without chemical substances.

Being committed to a continous quality improvement, we have introduced Print Color Management processes in June which complies with the ISO 12647-2:2013 standard.

The use of these processes enables achiavable, continuous, measurable and maintable color quality during production, as well as being capable of later reproduction if needed. This is an effective tool to enhance the trust between partners and us.

A hatákonyabb és gazdaságosabb termelés érdekében telepítettük a Heidelberg Prinect Pressroom Manager szoftvert. Ez a program az előkészítésből – ctp -, szolgáltat adatokat az új nyomtatás előbeállításához és adatokat gyűjt a nyomtatási tevékenységről. A folyamatok figyelése és értékelése segítséget ad a termelékenység növelésére, a magasszíntű minőség folyamatos biztosítására és útókalkulációnak.


In February 2016 to meet the growing demand for PUR binding replaced our PUR binding machine with a more productive BQ-470 binding machine. In March we installed a SE 125 RLA pile turner. The machine replaces physical work was induced and reliable quality of pile preparation was possible. In May, we replaced our SM printing machine with a new Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75-5-type printing machine. The two XL printing machines, which are identical in all respects – ensures with more safety and flexibility to organise the printing of our activities with the same quality. During the spring months with a usable area of 175 m² storeroom developed, ensuring a clear, organized, orderly material storage.The building was built in parallel with a geothermic heating-cooling system. This can help reduce the energy consumption of the production halls.

Márciusban üzembehelyeztünk egy SE 125 RLA típusú raklapfordító berendezést.Ezzel a géppel komoly fizikai munkát váltottunk ki és minőségileg megbízható ívrakat előkészítését tettük lehetővé.

Májusban SM nyomógépünket egy új Heidelberg Speedmaster XL-75-5 típusú nyomógépre cseréltük. A két XL nyomógépünkkel melyek minden szempontból azonosak – nagyobb biztonsággal és rugalmasságal tudjuk nyomtatási tevékenységünket – azonos minőséget biztosítva szervezni.

A tavaszi hónapok során egy 175 m² hasznos alapterületű raktárhelyiséget alakitottunk ki. Ezzel biztosítva az áttekinthető, szervezett, rendezett anyagtárolást. Az építéssel párhuzamosan kiépítésre került egy geotermikus hütő-fütő rendszer, aminek segítségével csökkenteni tudjuk az energia felhasználásunkat.


In April 2017 we replaced our Heidelberg XL 75-5-C printing machine with a Heidelberg XL 75-4+L printing machine with 4 printing units and coating unit.


The year of 2018 is the opening to digital printing. In March we started off with a Ricoh PRO 8210 type black color digital printer. Based on our positive experiences and to expand our digital capabilities, we also invested in a color printer. Our choise was the newly developed Ricoh PRO c7200X with 4 color printing + varnish/cover white/UV colors.


The Heidelberg Stitchmaster ST 350 stitching line was replaced by a newer Müller Martini Primera C110.


Another big year for investments, a new Müller Martini Pantera gluebinding line replaced our previous gluebinding units. In addition in the printing area a Heidelberg XL 75-4 was acquired.
